Kaaladi is a very small village located in Kerala, about 1 hour by road from Ernakulam (Kochi). Kaaladi can also be reached by train. Nearest railway station is Angamali. From Angamali, Kaaladi is about half an hour by road.

Kaaladi is the birth place of Sri Aadhi Sankarar, who lived during 8th century BC. There lived a couple belonging to Namboodhiri (a Brahmin sect) family by name Sivaguru and Aryaamba. Sivaguru was a well learned man who excelled in Vedas and Saastras. They lead a happy life but with constant worry that they didn’t have children.
The couple went and prayed Vadakkunnathar (Lord Shiva) at Thrissur for 48 days with fullest devotion. Lord Shiva, who was delighted with their prayers, appeared in Sivaguru’s dream and asked whether he would prefer many ordinary children who will live long or just one intellectual son who will be short lived. Sivaguru humbly left the choice to Lord Shiva Himself, saying that God knows what the devotee deserves.

Lord Shiva was pleased with the attitude of Sivaguru and the Lord Himself chose to be born to the couple. Aryaamba gave birth to a beautiful male child on Aarudhra star and the couple named him Sankaran.
Sankaran grew up as an intelligent child in the village. He started his ‘Aksharaabyaasam’ (Vidhyaarambh or start studying) at the age of 3. Sankaran missed his father at the age of 4. Aryaamba with the support of others in the village performed ‘Upanayanam’ (ceremony to adorn holy thread) to Sankaran at his 5th year, after which he was sent to Gurukulam to learn Vedas and scriptures. Sankaran excelled in everything he learnt and everyone admired Sankaran’s knowledge and wisdom.

As per tradition, Brahmachari in Gurukulam has to go house to house seeking Bhiksha (alms) and has to submit it to his Guru. One day, as part of his everyday practice, Sankaran went on the streets for Bhiksha. He went to a poor woman’s house on a Dwaadasi day and asked for Bhiksha from the door. It was a very small hut, where lived alone a lady without any food for her day. The lady got worried as she did not have any grains at home. Also refusing to offer Bhiksha to a Brahman was considered a sin those days. That was a Dwadasi day and the woman remembered that she had kept a small ‘Amla’ fruit for herself to break the fast on Dwadasi (Hindus observe fast on Ekadasi day and end their fasting on Dwadasi).

The poor woman took out that single ‘Amla’ fruit and offered it in the Sankaran’s bowl. Sankaran got stirred by the selflessness and willingness of the lady by offering the only fruit she had for herself. Sankaran instantly composed and chanted slokas on Goddess Sri Lakshmi and prayed her. The sloka is called ‘Kanakadhaara Sthothram’. Soon after he completed reciting, Sri Lakshmi appeared and poured a rain of Golden Amlas into the lady’s house from the roof.

Even today, Kanakadhaara Sthothram is recited by many to get rid of poverty and to earn good wealth. The house where Sankaran chanted Kanakadhaara Sthothram is still found near Perumbavoor (a neighboring place to Kaaladi) and the house is called ‘Swarnathumanai’ (Swarnam means Gold and Manai means house).

There was a river by name ‘Poorna’ (today’s Periyar River) which was flowing through this village at a distance from Sankaran’s house. Aryaamba had a practice of bathing in Poorna river everyday and worshipping Lord Krishna (their family deity) at the temple, which was on the banks of Poorna. One day while Aryaamba was returning after bathing, fell fainted. Hearing this, Sankaran went and brought her back home. Aryaamba told Sankaran that she was getting older and not able to walk such a distance.
Sankaran understood his mother’s difficulty and came out of the house, prayed to Sri Ganga Devi and marked a curved line on the ground using the thumb of his foot. As Sankaran was none other than the Lord, river Poorna took a bend and started flowing through the back yard of Sankaran’s house. Even today, if viewed from a height, we can see river Poorna taking a bend near Sri Sankara’s place.

Sankaran completed his Gurukulam successfully and learnt everything with ease. When he was 8, he started participating in debates with scholars and many learned scholars came to meet him to get clarifications. Aryaamba was too happy to see his son to be so wise. She wanted to see Sankaran get married soon.
Sankaran realized the purpose of his birth and wanted to undertake ‘Sanyaasam’ from earthly bondings. But he knew that Aryaamba won’t allow him to be a Sanyaasi as he was her only son.
One day Sankaran was bathing in the river Poorna while Aryaamba finished bathing and was waiting for Sankaran to finish. Suddenly, a crocodile caught hold of Sankaran’s leg and he started screaming out of pain. Sankara tried much to get relieved of his leg from crocodile’s mouth, but couldn’t. Aryaamba screamed for help and prayed God to rescue her son.

Sankaran told his mother that his life is short and only if she allows him to become a Sanyaasi he can get relieved of himself from the crocodile. Aryaamba didn’t know what to do. She got reminded of Lord Shiva’s boon to Sivaguru. But Sankaran said only if he becomes a Sanyaasi, his lifetime would get extended because Sanyaas is like another birth. Aryaamba only wanting to see her son alive promised that she would allow him to undertake Sanyaas. The crocodile set Sankaran free.
Aryaamba was too worried about Sankaran undertaking Sanyaas, as he is the only son who is responsible to cremate her after death. Sankaran with mother’s blessings prepared himself to be a Sanyaasi. He also promised his mother that during her last days he would personally come back home and perform the rites, though being a Sanyaasi.
When Sankara set to start his divine journey, heard a heavenly voice of Lord Krishna. The voice told him that, as the river Poorna was diverted in a different direction and the temple then was not in the right place it meant to be. It also directed him to install the idol and the temple in proper location on the banks of the river. Sankaran took Lord Krishna’s words and re-installed Lord Krishna’s idol on the banks of Poorna River before he left the village. Even today one can see the Krishna temple on the banks of river Poorna which is located near Sri Sankara Mutt.

Though Sankarar took Sanyaas by himself, he went in search of a Guru who was required to initiate him formally as Sanyaasi and to guide him through his new mission. He traveled across the country and reached the banks of river Narmadha. When Sankarar reached there, Narmadha was gushing out with heavy floods, which he felt would affect the people. Sankarar with his divine power collected the gushing water into his Kamandalam (a small container in which Sanyaasis carry water for Pooja) and poured it on the banks. Immediately Narmadha stopped flooding wildly and started flowing gently.

A sage by name Sri Govindha Bhagavathpaadhar who was meditating on the banks of the river saw this act of Sankara and enquired about him. Sankarar introduced himself. Sri Govindha Bagavathpaadhar was happy to know about Sankara and also realized that he is none other than Lord Shiva, willingly accepted Sankara, the Bala Sanyaasi as his disciple.
Sri Govindha Bhagavathpaadhar taught him Adhvaitha philosophy and wanted Sankarar to spread it around the world. The Guru also advised him to write ‘Bhaashyam’ for Brahma Suthra based on Adhvaitha philosophy. Brahma Suthra was originally written by Veda Vyaasa. Sri Govindha Bagavathpaadhar conferred him the name Sri Sankara Bhagavathpaadhar and asked him to go and serve the world with his preachings. Sri Sankarar was just 12 by then.
Sri Sankarar reached ‘Kaasi’ (Varanasi) where he stayed and worshipped Sri Kaasi Viswanathar and Sri Annapoorni Devi everyday. He also started explaining Vedas and Saastras to people there. His fame spread across the country. Sri Sankaraacharya got many good disciples.

One day while Sri Sankaraacharya was walking down in a narrow lane towards Ganges, a Chandaala (one who performs cremation -
சண்டாளன்) came opposite to him. He was seen with his wife and having 4 dogs. Sri Sankaraacharya saw him obstructing his path and told him to keep away. The Chandaala asked Sankara “According to the principles you practice, the Jeevaathma and the God are one and the same. If so, how am I different from you? When Aathma is the same in everyone, how do you ask me to keep away? Or how do I keep away from myself? Should I keep my body or my Aathma away?”
Sri Sankaraacharya was shocked to hear such words of wisdom from a Chandaala and realized that he is none other than Lord Shiva. He also realized his ignorance and instantly conveyed his obeisance through a composition of 5 Slokas called “Manisha Panchakam”. Before he could finish reciting, the Chandaala vanished and Lord Shiva appeared to him with Goddess Sri Visalakshi and the 4 dogs appeared as 4 Vedas.

When Sri Sankaraacharya was about 16, an old Brahmin met him and debated with Him on the Bhaashyam he wrote for Brahma Suthra. The old man had various arguments with Sri Sankaraacharya which continued for 8 days after which Sri Sankaraacharya realized that the old man was none other than Sage Veda Vyaasa himself. Sri Sankaraacharya prostrated before Sage Vyaasa and apologized for entering into an argument with the original author himself. Sage Vyaasa blessed him and told that he tested Sri Sankaraacharya only to establish to the world that the Bhaashyam (commentary) written by him was perfect. Also the Sage blessed Sri Sankaraacharya with another 16 years of life.
There was a well learned person called Mandana Mishra in a place called Mahishmathi (presently Bihar), who followed the Meemaamsa philosophies. He had a well learned wife called Sarasawani who was extremely intellectual. Sri Sankaraacharya met Mandana Mishra and invited him for a debate. Mandana Mishra initially refused but later agreed to it.
Sri Sankaraacharya won over him and made him His disciple. He also paid respects to the wife of Mandana Mishra as Goddess Saraswathi. He walked down towards south and wanted to establish his Mutts in few places. At one place He found that a snake was holding shadow as an umbrella for a frog and he decided that it was the place where He wanted to establish an Aashram, because of the fact that even the enemy animals were supporting each other in that place. Also a sage called Rishya Sringar had his Ashram during Ramayana period, in that hill station called Rishya Sringa Parvadham.

This place is known as Sringeri where He installed and worshipped Sri Saradha Devi (who was Sarasawani) there and formed a Mutt. It is called Sringeri Sri Saradha Peetam today.
One fine day He realized that His mother Aryaamba was in her death bed and rushed to His village Kaaladi. He met His mother there and chanted Slokas for her peaceful death. But later realized that she was afraid of the Shiva Ganas who came to receive her and chanted different Slokas so that Aryaamba’s soul would depart without fear with chants of Sri Maha Vishnu Slokas.
After the death of His mother Aryaamba, the native villagers didn’t allow Sri Sankara to perform the last rites as He was a Sanyasi and didn’t allow him to the burial ground for cremation. Sri Sankara cremated His mother in the back yard of their own house and started His divine journey around the country.
It is said that even today in Kaaladi, people cremate their dead in the family in their own back yards.
Thus Sri Sankara traveled across, spreading His philosophy to nook and corner of this holy country. He was the one who ended the Kaapaalika way of worship and initiated 6 ways of worships (called Shanmadham – means 6 religions or ways of worship) among the people. The Shanmadhams taught by Him were Souram (Surya worship), Saaktham (Shakthi worship), Gaanaapathyam (Ganesha worship), Kaumaaram (Lord Muruga worship), Saivam (Lord Shiva worship), and Vaishnavam (Lord Vishnu worship).

Also while traveling across this country He installed Sri Chakras at various temples to bring down the fierce of Sri Shakthi including Maangaadu in Tamilnadu (Chennai).

He is said to have gone towards north and performed penance at the Himalayas during His last days and attained Moksha. Also there is a belief that He spent His last days at Kanchipuram where He formed another Mutt (Ashram). He is believed to be an incarnation of Sri Dhakshinamurthy (Lord Shiva) Himself. Like Kanchi and Sringeri, Sri Sankara formed the Mutts in few other places in the country.

Even today the birth place of Sri Sankara is present at Kaaladi and the Samaadhi of His mother Aryaamba is found in the temple which is located on the banks of river Poorna. Sri Saradha Devi is present at the temple. Sri Ganesha and Sri Sankarar are also seen in separate shrines in the temple.

Sri Vedha Purusha (a huge Vedha Book) is kept in the temple and is worshipped.
A wonderful Mutt which is also a temple, with Vedic chanting throughout the day quenches the thirst of the soul.

Sri Sankara’s service to the mankind, this country and our religion is unmatchable and unimaginable. If we do the poojas or rituals in any of the temples at present, all those ways of performing them were formulated by Him and followed by generations. Sri Aadhi Shankara has composed many hymns and Slokas including Bhaja Govindam which is soul stirring. His Maathru Panchakam tells about the importance of mother.

Sankara Jayanthi and many other festivals are celebrated with pomp at Kaaladi Shrine. Kaaladi is a very peaceful and blissful place in God’s own country, which must be visited at least once in the lifetime.
Hara Hara Shankara! Jaya Jaya Shankara!
ReplyDeleteYour post about Adisankara is really good. i had been to the place long back. Thanks for giving an opporunity to recolect my visit to Kaladi.
this is really one of your best works saravanan. God bless u
Hi Saravanan,
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice coverage of Sri Aadhi Sankarar. The whole life is covered in short. I visited about 10 years back with my mother who is no more now and this brings back the old memories. I hear that because the Malayalis didn't allow him to do the last rites a)as a self punishment they were doing the last rites at their backyards itself. It's a news for me that the same is being followed even today. b)The kula deivam for malayalis has been made as Kollur Moogambigai (Karnataka) and they are made to come there instead of Sankara's own place at Kaladi/Kerala.
In Kaladi itself, there is a Ramakrishna mutt the serene atmosphere of which I cannot forget. Somehow for me, more than Aadhi Sankara's place, this Ramakrishna mutt is lingering my mind. I wish to visit this place again and stay at Ramakrshna mutt. Also there is a nice Sankara Sthupi in the town.
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteThank you, U have given me an oppurtunity to Know more abt our guru Sri Sankara Bhagavatpathar.
Gurubyo Namaha.
ReplyDeleteIts an excellent one!!
But I feel, you could have included some more lines, story or information about the Kanchi Mutt also.
I could actually visualize this like a video. Superb effort.
Manikandan M
Kotak Bank
This is a fantastic post on the life of Adisankara, very evocatively written and full of interesting information. You brought his story alive with your words.
ReplyDeletethank you so much dear.
went kaladi but couldnt see the river and emple. u took me there thro ur Divya dharsanam. go ahead. pray BABA to give more strength to continue this work.
Dear Mr.Saravanan.
ReplyDeleteA beautiful narration of Adi sankaras' life and it inspire us to visit the place
Dear Saravanan,
ReplyDeleteWonderful Article!! It is like a Jewel in the Crown. Thank you so much for your efforts & time.
I wish you to bring many many such glories of our country thru' this blog.
Have a nice time.
N Guruvelavan
Wonderfully written article, with the beginning opening up from the birth, childhood and then suddenly making a fast move in the write up. Then at the end, there is a sudden conclusion. We hear that Adi Sankara left this earth in Kedarnath where there is a Samadhi in His name. I am not a scholar on this matter, but had the privilege to visit the Samadhi place. Further we are informed that Adi Sankara made the present temple at Badrinath and had made the guidelines for nominating the tantri of the temple from Kerala only. I would appreciate, if the author csn make some more research on these issues and enlighten us, the ignorant devotees!
New Delhi
Highly informative and motivates one to visit this sacred place. There is an emerald lingam ( Maragatham )in the Sringeri mutt at Kaladi. Understand they do abishekam every morning. Thank you mr Saravanan
ReplyDeleteR Kalamegham
Dear saravanan
ReplyDeleteKeep going u r doing wonderful work
urs friend
Dear Saravanan,
ReplyDeleteIt's an incredible & proactive initiative to gather such an exhaustive and all-round information about our great old temples. My hearty congrats!!!
Sri Sankaracharya was no doubt a deep philosopher and a great patriot. He sacrificed his complete life for others and established well-respected advaita philosophy.
Great are the people, like Sri Sankaracharya, who realize the mission of life at such an early stage. Blessed is our Bharatmata who has become more auspicious than the heaven of Gods where sages like Sri Sankarachayra lived and enourmously lucky are we Bharatvasees(Indians)who have taken birth in this punya-bhoomi.
Let's try to be true and practical followers of the teachings of all these great saints at least by 1% justiying the sacrifices they have made and the pains they have taken.
- ShrikantB
Dear Sir,
ReplyDeleteIam Rangasamy ,I have seen your mail , The story and photo graph which you have attached felt me that I am living in that period itself .
My kind request is please don't stop your work .
I except more mails from you
I am really impressed by the thoroughness with which the blog is written. Definitely it will be useful to all the devotees who plan to visit these shrines. Thanks for the pains you have taken in giving so much of details about each and every temple you have visited.
Thank u very much for giving wonderful details abt Kaladi & our guru SHRI ADHI SANKARA.
ReplyDeleteReallly each and every human being has to visit this place & understand the greatness of such a great MAHAN who lived for our own country & people.
Expecting many such articles in future.
thanks once again.
Sundaram & family, Bahrain
As Far as my Knowledge goes there are four mutts founded by Adi Shankar at Sringeri,Badri,Dwarka and Puri and where does Kanchi comes in? and as shankara had worshipped at Kanchi there is no evidence to show kanchi is a mutt founded by him
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Kamath & Ramasundaram,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your valuable comments.
I too am not a scholar on the matter of whether Sri Sankaracharya spent his last days in Kanchi or Kedarnath. Neither have I argued that the Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt was founded by Him. But I published the above post with what I've read and heard from the Mutts of Kaladi and Kanchi.
I give below a few sources:
1. Markandeya Samhita which consists of 100 Khandas, each having subsections called Parispandas mentions in the subsections 7 and 8 of 72nd Kanda about Sri Sankara as "Mahatma, Sankara, attained the chitsvarupa (Moksha) at Kanchi after having consecrated Sri Kamakshi and ordaining his disciple Sureswara for the worship of Srividya Raja-Peeta".
2. Patanjali Vijayam by Ramabhadra Dikshita says "Sankara, after having produced Bhashyas and conquered the directions (digvijaya) stayed permanently at Kanchi"
3. Gopal Basu Mallik Lectures, by Dr. SK Belvalkar, Puna (1929), page 240 : "According to one set of traditions Kanchi in South India is given as the place where Sankaracharya breathed his last. According to other sources, he died at Badarikasrama (Kedarnath) disappearing in a cave in the Himalayas. The weight of probability belongs to the first view"
4. Mahamahopadhyaya Padmavibhushan Gopinath Kaviraj in page 113 of his work 'Bharatiya Samskriti aur Sadhana' : "For his own residence Acharya Sankara founded a seating; the Kanchi Kamakoti Peeta".
5. In the Chronology of Nepal History (1953) by Sri Kota Venkatachalam the following information is found: "The Kamakoti Peeta at Kanchi was founded in Vaisakha Sukhla Purnima of the year Siddharthi with Aadhi Sankara himself as the first Acharya (2020 of Kali era - 482 BC)
6. Prof. Baladev Upadhyaya, former Head of Purana & Ithihasa section of Benares Hindu University has written a biography of Sankaracharya (published by Hindustani Academy of Allahabad - 1963). In the 16th Chapter heading 'Mathom Ka vivaran' (details of Mutts) the following info is found on page 191 : "By Him (Sankaracharya) in southern Bharat, at Kanchi, one of the seven Mokshapuries, a mutt has been established"
7. Report of the Hindu Religious Endownments Commission (1960-62) states that "It was Aadhi Sankaracharya (8th Century AD) who first began to establish Hindu Mutts as we know them today. According to tradition, he inaugurated several mutts or seats of learning in the four corners of India, namely Sringeri Sharadha Peeth in Mysore, Kanchi Kamakoti Peetha in South, Badrinath in the HImalayan region in North, Jagannath or modern Puri in the East and Dwaraka in western Gujarat" vide page 10 of the report. The report was signed by Dr. CP Ramaswami Iyer, the Chairman and the other six members of the commission.
8. Justice Sathyanarayana Rao and Justice P. Rajagopalan in their Judgement in CMP No. 2591 of 1951 of the Madras High Court have observed, "Tradition has it that after conquering the rival faiths Sankara established the Advaita system of philosophy and founded four Mutts or seats of learning in the four corners of this vast sub continent - Sringeri, Badrinath, Jagannath and Dwaraka. In each of these mutts he installed his principal disciples and he himself assumed the headship of Sarvajna Peetha or the central seat of knowledge at Kanchi, the modern Kanchipuram.
With the above information and few more gathered from the sources which I read, I had submitted the above post. Anyhow this is not to argue on behalf of any of my points, but just to inform that the post was written with some base inputs from some authentic sources.
Source: 'Sri Sankaracarya and His connection with Kancipuram', authored by Sri. A. Kuppusami, B.A.B.T. and published by Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya Swamigal Srimatam, Samasthanam, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu-631502.
Lord Vishnu is often portrayed resting on the huge serpent of Sesha.
ReplyDeleteLord Vishnu Photo, Sri Vishnu Picture, God Vishnu
Aryadevi ( Aryamba )
ReplyDeleteAD : 748
Aryadevi Antherjanam Hailing from Pazhoor Mana , was married to Brahmasree Sivasarman Nambudiri Of Shasalam (later famous as Kalady )
To them with the blessings of Lord Siva ( Vadkkumnathan temple Trissiva peroor – Vrish Mookaachalam ) a child was born and named SANKARA
Later he became Sankara Acharya the famous ADVAITHA philosopher
Sree Sankara is the epitome of our Hindu tradition and Philosophy. He is the ACHARYA who showed his teachings by Acharanam (Practicing).
The exceptional love of that loving son to his beloved mother is Clearly , so touchingly visible in every corner of his childhood life to grown up intellectual .
The aged couple had a long waiting to get blessed with the son . But then the mishap the cruel destiny left her widowed at an early age of little Sankara .
She gained a son but husband departed .
The caring mother inducted in due course her little one to Gurukulam where he excelled even his master too quickly .
One day that poor mother had seen his only son in dream wearing saffron befitting a saint . The Gurukulam in the very next morning found that poor mother running in , carrying little Sankara in deep embrace Showering him in kisses amidst her pouring tears .
Another day the mother took along little Sankara for her daily Bath In River Poorna (Periyar).
She was particular to have her routine river dip bath and have Darshan of her Sree Krishna - The ancestral deity of the family just within home garden . The river was flowing 3 km to south . The widowed mother that day was too tired of the walk and she could not make it . She fell half the way . Little Sankara felt so helpless . He ran to the Lotus feet's of his Aapath Bandhavan , His Kula deva Krishna - where else . The merciful lord cannot stand the tears of the little child out of the love for his fainted beloved mother . He blessed him "Unni - Kalady Varayunnidathu Nadi Gathy Aavum "(Means -my boy - the river will flow where through your little feet marks (in local language malayalam as well as in Tamil feet = KALADY) ) . Instantly the innocent child marked with his feet before the blessed Lord . The blessing worked , the mighty river Poorna took its new course through the home garden of Sankara . That day onwards Shasalam became Kalady and blessed Lord , Lord of Kalady ( Thri Kalady appan )
Sankara made reinstallation of his beloved deity to the present holy shrine on that Thiruvonam star of month Tualm (*Libra ) . He marked the occasion with his famous "ÄTCHUTHAASHTAKAM" . As per Keralite Tanthric tradition Prathishta is allowed only in Utarayanam and not Dakshinayanam . But Sankara raised to the need of the hour and made the Puna Prathishta in Dakshinayanam itself .
The Place where Kalady was thus born from Shasalam became the Kalady Kadvu (Ghat ) and Aarattu Kadavu of Thri Kalady appan .
Thus of course the name KALADY signifies the love of an innocent little boy toward his beloved Mother and blessings of his Merciful Krishna .
Now the old mother do not have to walk the 3 Km's for her routine river bath .
Days passed by But for little Sankara he had to grow up seek the truth and accomplish his missions . His destined platform was as a Sanyasin (saint) . But he had to get it consented from mother . Whenever he begins the topic he cannot continue seeing the worried looks of his very beloved mother . One day a dog happens to touch Sankara . As per his community custom he had to take a dip bath . He took his mother along and went into the Ghat just east of the Ghat wherein river was diverted and blessed Kalady was born . A crocodile all on a sudden caught hold of little Sankara . The mother was terrified shocked before the cries of drowning son in the mouth of the crocodile . Then scholarly Sankara suggested to his mother Sanyasam is a re birth , if you permit me for that I can get a new life . Mother happily agreed and that Sankara was released . The crocodile is believed to be Lord Shiva in disguise .
The world gained a philosopher but that poor mother had to give away her only son .
But the son agreed to his mother he will be back when his mother need her son the most .
Then set out on his mission . The saga of his victorious philosophical mission took him to the thrown of Omni-Knowledge (Sarvagya Peetham) . He established four mutts in four distinct destinations of India to spread his ideals , and cleanseth the society like running river cleans its banks . He had done so many Sub Mutts established temples for worship , hymens , done Upanishad Brahmasutra and Bhagavd Gita Bhashyam . The fame ear through ear kept on reaching the happy ears of his beloved mother .
As time passed the mother started to feel that its time for her to go , but before that she longed to see the face of her little Sankara .
The mother found her intellectual scholar son beside her as her little Sankara , soothing her with his caring touch of her unattended hair and slowly massaging her forehead . Taking her feeble arms in hand his loving call "AMMMEEE" reached her ears . She did not want to loose that sight , the voice . She expressed to his son her worry , her dilemma . After these long , long waiting how could I leave everything and go . I want to live with you my son my dear one she demanded .
The learned son pulled all his intellect to convince mother , that time is something which do not leave us with many choices . "Sambhavamy Yuge Yuge ". But he assured her he can get her to her "Pazhoor Mahadevar Shiva" - the lord who blessed his birth and took her to Shaiva Lokam where the mother had darshan of Lord Visweswran Siva " . The mother was very happy but told his son not there ofcource . Then Shakthi Lokam where the mother had darshan of Mother of the Universe , and was immensely happy . But again she told not there too my son not there too . I am comfortable with my own Vishnu - Krishna - where else than this Kalady Kannan . Reciting Vishnu Bhujangam the son gave his beloved mother the darshan of Vishnu - the Krishna - her beloved Kalady appan .
The mother really was consoled happy , and contented . She had great appreciation for her son , a respect even for such miraculous blessing of Darshan of all the Moorthys . it , she knew had been a gain which is not available even to many Hrishis who do Tapasya the whole life .
She clubbed her hands in prayer towards her son , when the son instantly took her trembling palms into his shivering hands . His deep sentiments towards the beloved mother poured out in reply in FIVE TOUCHING stanzas , later known as "Maathru Panchakam ".
Oh my mother ! If I have done the very same feet for you again , again and again for THOUSAND more births , ANY son will not be able to redeem the debt
the debt of the sufferings of dis_taste , vomiting ,anaemic feebling and the numerous troubles of carrying pregnancy leave apart the terrific pain and pangs of delivery the debt then of an year long trouble of suffering in getting along in the urinated , stool ridden bed of mine , till and the long sleepless nights caring the crying me the debt no son can redeem doing the same thing a thousand birth
JUST TWO OUT OF TEN FAMILIES IN KALADY COOPERATED , THE NON COOPERATING FAMILIES ARE ALL EXTINCT . The body of mother was carried to the pyre by members of two families of KALADY . "Pookkad" carried head side of the body and Edamana the leg side . They got renamed as "Tala Ettum Pilly "( Head lifting Person ) and later as Kappilly ( Leg meaning Kal in malayalam ) . (Traditionally the Land documents of both the families contains both the names even today ) .
HE DULY CREMATES HIS BELOVED MOTHERS BODY. THEN APARA KRIYAS DONE IN NEARBY GHAT IN POORNA.The Ghat just east of Muthala Kadvu . Thus there are 3 historical ghats in chronological order lying there from west to east .It has another beauty , first one where Kalady was born , the river was rerouted , is the blessing of Krishna - Vishnu ie Kalady Kadavu ( Aaraatu Kadvu of Thri Kalady Appan ) . The second one Crocodile Ghat wherein Lord Siva took disguise of Crocodile and the life of Sankara took another turn to Sanyasam - blessing of Shiva . The 3rd one (Now amidst two Sree Sringeri Mutt shrines wherein mother of Sankara Aryadevi antherjanam had her due apara Kriyas .
THE MORTAL REMAINS WERE PLACED BELOW 'UTHAMA VRIKSHAM (An 'Asoka' Tree) , AND KAPPILLY NAMBUDIRIS AS FAMILY MEMBERS CONTINUED DAILY ' DEEPAM ' (AS PER NAMBUDIRI TRADITION TILL YEAR END BALI WHICH NEVER HAPPENED) . THIS LAMP OF RESPECT CONTINUED UNSTINCTED FOR CENTURIES TOGATHER WHEN OUTSIDE WORLD HESITATED TO ACCEPT HOLY KALADY AS BIRTH PLACE OF JAGAD GURU ADI SHANKARA BHGAVAD PAADA AACHAARYA . THE ACTIVITY OF LAMP PLACING BY KAPPILLY ANTHERJANAM WAS INSTRUMENTAL IN IDENTIFYING THE SPOT A CENTURY BACK BY SPECIAL ENVOY OF SREE SREE SRINGERI MUTT (Sri.Nadukavery Srinivasa Shastrikal ) , WHICH WAS OTHERWISE IMPOSSIBLE , WHETHER THE HOLLY MUTT ACCEPTS THE FACT OR NOT . Wonderfully the marble plaque on the new Mandap built reads "the black stone lamp post which was there from the time of cremation helped in identifying the spot " . !!! Thekkemadhom came to Kalady at least a decade after the incident and the post with clear encryption of "Thekkemadhom Vaka "( written in local language malayalam Meaning "by Thekkemadhom "and with its Official mudra engraved on it - For own properties of Thekkemadhom they mark "Narasimham Vaka " ) was donated still centuries later"!!!
Sree Sree Sringeri Mutt Continues to Maintain the spot with DUE respect and valour .
With Entry of Sree Sree Sringeri Mutt accepting Kalady as birth place of Sankara into the holy soil of KALADY has given a new identity to KALADY before the out side world hesitant to accept the area as Birth place of the JAGADGURU . This marked a new turn in the modern day history of KALADY with very many developments bridges colleges University and what not .
KALADY gained a new look . But the Helpless soul of ARYADEVI the mother of SANKARA had lost under the irrefutable King ship ruling of TRAVANCORE HIGHNESS , the lamp of respects from her family which she had it for CENTUIRIES together when outside world was not any where around to recognize and adore .
As per Sri Sree Sringeri Mutt on H.H.Nrisimhabhivava Satchidananda swakial (as available in the web page) a century back when his holinesses visited Kalady for the very first time "Reaching Kaladi, the first place he visited was an ashoka tree which stands at the place where the blessed mother was cremated by Sri Shankara. "
The ASOKA tree is CUT AWAY and removed , and a Tulsi plant is Replaced by Sri Sringeri Mutt .
Thekkemadhom was the only Sankara Mutt which respected KALADY as the Holy land of Birth of Sree Sankara -their supreme guru . To facilitate the lamp of respects a Black lamp post was donated by the Mutt , centuries back . This Mutt was having King ship rights in KALADY even after independence till 1952 when their authority to have tax revenue from lands of KALADY as "Sankara Sanketham" was curbed by special enactment of state legislature .But the Legendry Thekke Mutt also got uprooted from Kalady , the Mutt premises now became RIG VEDA patasaala of Sree Sree Sringeri Mutt under a century long lease deed.
But an important part of his life as projected seems scandalous to him - very untruthful . The Pathetic position pitiable is that acharyas of various Mutts instead of negating a cruel falsified scandal about their own Paramacharyaa they seems to support it.
A quotation of scandal as available in various media books and now as abstracted from www.namboodiri.com is below
Thereafter, one day, he had a divine vision that his mother back home was yearning to see him, and he went back. After paying due respects to his dying mother, he explained the Saiva-Vaishnava Swaroopams, which to an extent, rid her of the fear of death. Then, when he started explaining about Parabrahmam, she asked him to talk in simple layman's terms. This is believed to have prompted him to compose "Siva-Bhujanga-Sthothram" and "Vishnu-Bhujanga-Sthothram", both in Bhujanga-Prayaatha metre (Vritham).
Mother was now completely devoid of any fear of death, and asked Sankaran to sing the "Govindaashtakam", which used to be sung during their temple visits when he was yet a child. He sang it for her. Then he composed the "Krishnaashtaka-Sthothram", and recited it to her. Lord Vishnu, who was greatly pleased with this Ashtakam, presented himself in full regalia in front of her, and she died watching the Lord.
The Namboothiris in the neighbourhood refused to help him with the funeral rites (Samskaaram) for the reason that he had come back from "foreign" lands (Paradesam) and had defiled the dead body, and that, after accepting Samnyaasam, he had no right to cremate his mother. They even refused to offer him fire for the cremation.
He then made a small pyre with twigs,
cut the dead body into small pieces,
made fire by friction (Dakshinaagni by Mathhanam), and thus
performed the cremation.
There is a story that he cursed the Braahmanans of Kalady that they will be unable to learn the Vedams, and would not have enough food to give the Bhikshus seeking alms, and th at their own cremation ground (Chudukaadu) would be near their homes.
This is according to "Vyaasaachaleeyam"; "Maadhaveeya-Sankara-Vijayam" places his mother's death after he defeated Mandanamisran (discussed later). The greatness of Sankaran's mother is described in verse (Padyam) in Govindaachaaryar's "Sankara-Charitham". Contrary to the legend about the curse, there had been learned men in the Kalady area in later times.
Sankara Acharya a young boy who traveled the whole Indian landscape on his foot , being unable to carry a long sick old bed ridden mother is un acceptable even on physical terms .
Being aware very well of these facts it FALLS the prime responsibilities of various Mutts to Clear Their Param Acharya of such a BLAME
A Nair Family by the name "AMBATTU in Kalady are believed traditionally to have given fire for cremation , as well as arranged the firewood .
The actual Facts of Kalady which any one can trace through ancient Land records and Facts on Ground
The importance of Sri Adisankara Bhagavatpadar is
ReplyDeletebrought out very well.I feel the place where he was born,Kerala State has failed to recognize his
unique contributions & importance.For a well known personality the Airport near Kaladi ought to have been named after him.For the informaton of dear readers a temple of an unique style & pattern is planned at Punnorkode,in the same place of swarnathu mana as a memorial for the fist hymn KANAKADHARA STOTRAM recited by young SANKARA.This noble work is undertaken by SRI ADISANKARA KANAKADHARA SMARAKA TRUST .The temple will have KANAKALAKSHMI as the main diety in the centre,with Mahaganapathy,Mahavishnu,AdiSankara&
siva at four corners.There will be Library for Sankara literature,Meditation centre & a NAKSHATRA VANAM.
Thank you for the post and the photographs.. I have linked to it from this post http://ancientindians.wordpress.com/parabrahma-paramesvara-and-devi-or-sakthi/
ReplyDeleteI visited several times the kshetra Kalady and stayed at the mutt. Everytime I had a new feeling of vibration there. After reading your posting the urge to see Kalady has again come into me. It is a wonderful,peaceful place. When you are inside the Temple you will feel the vibration. I enjoyed it in every visit.
ReplyDeletevery nice. Sri Kaladi smaranam!
ReplyDeleteThe story and pictures shown above is quiet wonderful and peaceful for my mind. Very many thanks to the souls who has initiated, who has done in action and who has co-operated. But can we believe, the souls stills wandering without knowing the fact.
i am extremely happy to read about adhi shankaracharyar and kaaladi and that he was lord himself having divine powers. i have never visited kaaladi. must visit soon. best wishes. sesha kalynaraman
ReplyDeleteI am KUMARA MURUGAN YADAV Conducting
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Dear Saravanan.
ReplyDeleteYour article about Shankaracharya is very easy to understand and in simple language. This is what required to the spiritual world. Chanting Mantras is agreeable; where as reaching to a common man those slokhas is important. I wish you to write an article about All Indian temples which will be most useful to Devotees. And better bring out in Hard copies.
May god bless you.
Helpful to Students.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
requests to all to request and pray-- enemities,quarrels,old evil (bhudhi) intelligence of sins , thoughts of revenge,vengeances,wars,bad words from every soul ,bad evil thoughts(kama,so far which are the cause for every bad happenings)thoughts of enemities to destroy,spoiling others, hates for others all bad wisedom, be change to good & noble and for betterment for others, intelligence not commiting sins and not doing bad for others,and to save every soul ,grand soul, humans ,balas in back bones ,kundlani power,every molecules of humans, gods,every creatures.where ever may be even in earth ,hell ,heavan or in any molecules and get back lifes on the earth only.
ReplyDeleterequest and pray ---every human every soul either good or bad ,angle or evil ,sinner,demon , god or devil every one want to live as a good humanbeing --please save
instead of killing ,spoiling lives,destroying ,sending under earth ,hells ,if some place is given far away from india .and some thing are done for better to improve the qualities of humans and souls .so that every one can live .
It may be news to everybody that it was Late H.H.Sri Chandrasekarendra sarasvathi of Kanchi who commissioned one Nadukkaveri Srinivasa sastri to find out the exact place of birth of AdiSankara about 1909.Sastri found it and had it confirmed by H.H.Since Kanchi Mutt was not financially sound,Srisastri with the permission of H.H. had the place to renovated under custody of Sringeri Mutt
ReplyDeletemay lord gives you everything to continue
ReplyDeletearunachalam sydney
sankarachariyar story is excellent.s.gopalan chennai
ReplyDeletesankarachariyar story is excellent.s.gopalan chennai
ReplyDeleteA good naration of Sri Adi Sanakaracharaya.
ReplyDeleteabout adishankara excellent naration, good work,Thanks for giving an opporunity to recolect my previous memories.
ReplyDeletesai sundaram
great mr saravanan, keep continue with u r services, keep continue like this, god bless you
ReplyDeleteThis is excellent, it gives me an opportunity to visit kaaladi & also to know more about Jagatguru. Jay shankara. God bless you
Balasubramanyam sir,
DeleteAs u have visited kaaladi, I request you to please let me know in detail how is the homes at kaaladi for old-age (retired) couple. I am thinking to join there. so pl reply to me ID pksn15652@yahoo.co.in. Also let me know where u r staying at Hyderabad so that I can meet/contact you. I am also atpresent staying at Hyderabad only. Hence this request.
Actually Sankar was a tantric(bamachar) and he was siddha on Saab-Sadhana(to awake dead body through evil spirit). He humiliated her mother's body for satisfaction and cut into pieces and ate the flesh burn in fire of cremation and it's all for his sadhana. He indulged his dirty desire with two queens of dead king and also wife of Mandan Mishra.
ReplyDeleteEvery time he admited avatar of deities and made temples for them and simultaneously spread adaitya-philosophy. He was a devil spirit. Like Rahu in Purana, but seems like god of good order. He was dead with some bad decease rooted from tantric kriya.
Actually Sankar was a tantric(bamachar) and he was siddha on Saab-Sadhana(to awake dead body through evil spirit). He humiliated her mother's body for satisfaction and cut into pieces and ate the flesh burn in fire of cremation and it's all for his sadhana. He indulged his dirty desire with two queens of dead king and also wife of Mandan Mishra.
ReplyDeleteEvery time he admited avatar of deities and made temples for them and simultaneously spread adaitya-philosophy. He was a devil spirit. Like Rahu in Purana, but seems like god of good order. He was dead with some bad decease rooted from tantric kriya.
ReplyDeleteYou are great. Good for you.
I do not know how people can speak ill of Sri. Adi Sankaracharya in such a despicable manner. What did he do to you or your family? What kind of religion do you practise to randomly come up with such statements?
May be there are a few versions of His story where people differ. Also, it is a fact that sankara Vijayams differ in some accounts because of the legendary nature of the personality. That does not in anyway disprove His greatness.
What does your story say about Sankaracharya getting golden amalaka fruits by praying to Goddes Mahalakshmi? Can devils do such a thing?